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Beyond the Boundaries

The venue



Poster presentations, breaks, and informal discussions will be live via the virtual platform.

All the talks will be live via Zoom.

The Zoom calls for the talks can be accessed via the virtual platform. Just enter the seminar room with your virtual 2D avatar, take a seat, and press x.

The virtual platform space is created by the external facilitator Virtual Chair on the platform

More information on the virtual platform that we use can be found here.

For the best user experience, please use a Chrome browser on a computer.

While Firefox is also supported by the platform, Chrome is recommended.

Mobile access is still a beta version and limits functionality.

All registered participants should have  received by e-mail instructions on how to connect to the virtual platform and a link to the start page.

If you are a registered participant and have not received an e-mail from us yet, please contact the conference organiser.

You will be able to create your virtual 2D avatar, and move through the virtual rooms by using the arrows of your keyboard. To interact  with objects, press x on your keyboard.

Photos of the virtual rooms are displayed hereafter.


The Lobby


The Poster Room


The Plenary Room

  • linkedin

©2019 by Miryana Grigorova.
Created with

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